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Paraboschi S.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Specification and Implementation of Exceptions in Workflow Management Systems 1999 Casati F., Ceri S., Paraboschi S., Pozzi G. ACM Trans. on Database Systems 27.04.2000
СТ XML: Current Developments and Future Challenges for the Database Community 2000 Ceri S., Fraternali P., Paraboschi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.04.2000
СТ Securing XML Documents 2000 Damiani E., De Capitani Di Vimercati S., Paraboschi S., Samarati P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.04.2000
СТ Design Principles for Data-Intensive Web Sites 1999 Ceri S., Fraternali P., Paraboschi S. SIGMOD Record 05.05.1999
СТ Compile-Time and Runtime Analysis of Active Behaviors 1998 Baralis E., Ceri S., Paraboschi S. IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28.10.1998
СТ Sharing Software Tools on the WEB: The IDEA Web Lab 1997 Ceri S., Fraternali P., Paraboschi S., Psaila G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.12.1997
СТ Design of Active Rule Applications: Issues and Approaches 1995 Ceri S., Baralis E., Fraternali P., Paraboschi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 28.12.1995
СТ Run-Time Detection of Non-Terminating Active Rule Systems 1995 Baralis E., Ceri S., Paraboschi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 28.12.1995
СТ Improved Rule Analysis by Means of Triggering and Activation Graphs 1995 Baralis E., Ceri S., Paraboschi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Rules in Database Systems 17.11.1995
СТ Desclarative Specification of Constraint Maintenance 1994 Baralis E., Ceri S., Paraboschi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.12.1994
СТ An Intelligent Database System Application: The Design of EMS 1994 Baralis E., Ceri S., Monteleone G., Paraboschi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.08.1994