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Cervesato I.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Proof-Theoretic Foundation of Compilation in Logic Programming Languages 1998 Cervesato I. Logic Programming 07.03.2001
СТ A Model Calculus of Partially Ordered Events in a Logic Programming Framework 1995 Cervesato I., Chittaro L., Montanari A. Logic Programming: Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf. 08.05.1996
СТ Efficient Resource Management for Linear Logic Proof Search 1996 Cervesato I., Hodas J. S., Pfenning F. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 17.04.1996
СТ Logic Meta-Programming facilities in LOG 1992 Cervesato I., Rossi G. F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.02.1993
