СТ |
Condition Handling in the Lisp Language Family |
2001 |
Pitman K. M. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
11.05.2001 |
СТ |
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme |
1998 |
Abelson H., Adams N. I., Bartley D. H., Brooks G., Dybvig R. K., Friedman D. P., Halstead R., Hanson C., Haynes C. T., Kohlbecker E., Oxley D., Pitman K. M., Rozas G. J., Steele G. L., Sussman G. J., Wand M. |
SIGPLAN Notices |
20.04.1999 |
СТ |
Parenthetically Speaking: "Ambitious Evaluation" |
1995 |
Pitman K. M. |
LISP Pointers |
16.10.1995 |
СТ |
Lambda, the Ultimate Political Party |
1994 |
Pitman K. M. |
LISP Pointers |
06.05.1995 |
СТ |
Parenthetically Speaking: "Lisp as a Vehicle for Rapid Prototyping" |
1994 |
Pitman K. M. |
LISP Pointers |
12.01.1995 |
СТ |
Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme |
1991 |
Clinger W., Rees J., Abelson H., Adams N. I., Bartley D. H., Brooks G., Dybvig R. K., Friedman D. P., Halstead R., Hanson C., Haynes C. T., Konlbecker E., Oxley D., Pitman K. M., Rozas G. J., Streele G. L., Sussman G. J., Wand M. |
LISP Pointers |
26.02.1992 |