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Hannan J.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ On Extracting Static Semantics 2002 Hannan J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.02.2003
СТ Type Systems for Useless-Variable Elimination 2001 Fischbach A., Hannan J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.05.2001
СТ Specification and Correctness of Lambda Lifting 2000 Fischbach A., Hannan J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.10.2000
СТ Higher-Order Arity Raising 1999 Hannan J., Hicks P. SIGPLAN Notices 23.08.1999
СТ Higher-Order UnCurrying 1998 Hannan J., Hicks P. Conf. Record of POPL 98: The 25th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT, Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages 14.05.1998
СТ A Type-based Analysis for Stack Allocation in Functional Languages 1995 Hannan J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Static Analysis 16.11.1995
СТ Operational Semantics-Directed Compilers and Machine Architectures 1994 Hannan J. ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems 15.11.1994
СТ Uses of Higher-Order Unification for Implementing Program Transformers 1988 Hannan J., Miller D. Logic Programming: Proc./Fifth Intern.Conf. and Symp. 13.10.1994
СТ Staging Transformations for Abstract Machines 1991 Hannan J. SIGPLAN Notices 26.10.1991