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Ozsoyoglu Z. M.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ XML Restructuring and Integration for Tabular Data 2003 Yu W., Ozsoyoglu Z. M., Ozsoyoglu G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.09.2003
СТ Topic-Centric Querying of Web Information Resources 2001 Altingovde I. S., Ozel S. A., Ulusoy O., Ozsoyoglu G., Ozsoyoglu Z. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.10.2001
СТ On Efficient Reasoning with Implication Constraints 1993 Zhang X., Ozsoyoglu Z. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.12.1993
СТ Extended Set Operators for Nested Relations and Complex Objects 1995 Sukan E., Ozsoyoglu Z. M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Database and Expert Systems Applications 15.11.1995