СТ |
The Road to Utopia: A Future for Generative Programming |
2004 |
Batory D. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
24.07.2004 |
СТ |
Integrating and Reusing GUI-Driven Applications |
2002 |
Grechanik M., Batory D., Perry D. E. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
17.05.2002 |
СТ |
Design Wizards and Visual Programming Environments for GenVoca Generators |
2000 |
Batory D., Chen G., Robertson E., Wang T. |
IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering |
02.04.2002 |
СТ |
A Standard Problem for Evaluating Product-Line Methodologies |
2001 |
Lopez-Herrejon R. E., Batory D. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
08.10.2001 |
СТ |
Mixin-Based Programming in C++ |
2001 |
Smaragdakis Y., Batory D. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
20.08.2001 |
СТ |
Scoping Constructs for Software Generators |
2000 |
Smaragdakis Y., Batory D. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
28.11.2000 |
СТ |
Implementing Layered Designs with Mixin Layers |
1998 |
Smaragdakis Y., Batory D. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
04.08.1998 |
СТ |
TSQL2 Language Specification |
1994 |
Snodgrass R. T., Ahn I., Ariav G., Batory D., Clifford J., Dyreson C. E., Elmasri R., Grandi F., Jensen C. S., Kafer W., Kline N., Kulkarni K., Leung T.Y. C., Lorentzos N., Roddick J. F., Segev A., Soo M. D., Sripada S. M. |
SIGMOD Record |
18.04.1994 |
СТ |
Scalable Software Libraries |
1993 |
Batory D., Singhal V., Sirkin M., Thomas J. |
Software Engineering Notes |
12.04.1994 |
СТ |
Genvoca: Reuse in Layered Domains |
1991 |
Batory D., O Malley S. |
Proc. of the First Intern. Workshop on Software Reusability |
24.12.1993 |
СТ |
The Design and Implementation of Hierarchical Software Systems with Reusable Components |
1992 |
Batory D., O Malley S. |
ACM Trans. Software Engineering and Methodology |
04.02.1993 |