СТ |
Hierarchical Checking of Multiprocessors Using Watchdog Processors |
1994 |
Majzik I., Pataricza A., Cin M. D., Hohl W., Honig W., Sieh V. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
21.10.1994 |
СТ |
Quantitative Analysis of UML Statechart Models of Dependable Systems |
2002 |
Huszerl G., Majzik I., Pataricza A., Kosmidis K., Cin M. D. |
The Computer J. |
14.06.2002 |
СТ |
Stochastic Dependability Analysis of System Architecture Based on UML Models |
2003 |
Majzik I., Pataricza A., Bondavalli A. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
13.01.2004 |