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Focardi R.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Authentication primitives for secure protocol specifications 2005 Bodei C., Degano P., Focardi R., Priami C. FGCS 04.06.2005
СТ Bisimulation and Unwinding for Verifying Possibilistic Security Properties 2003 Bossi A., Focardi R., Piazza C., Rossi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 31.01.2003
СТ A Uniform Approach for the Definition of Security Properties 1999 Focardi R., Martinelli F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.10.1999
СТ The Compositional Security Checker: A Tool for the Verification of Information Flow Security Properties 1997 Focardi R., Gorrieri R. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 31.01.1998
СТ Automatic Compositional Verification of Some Security Properties 1996 Focardi R., Gorrieri R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.04.1996