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Zhang K.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Group-Based Time-Stamping Scheme for the Preservation of Group Intentions 2002 Xue L., Orgun M., Zhang K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.02.2003
СТ A User-Centered Consistency Model in Real-Time Collaborative Editing Systems 2002 Xue L., Orgun M., Zhang K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.02.2003
СТ A Context-sensitive Graph Grammar Formalism for the Specification of Visual Languages 2001 Zhang D. -Q., Zhang K., Cao J. The Computer J. 02.08.2001
СТ Compilation and Runtime Optimizations for Software Distributed Shared Memory 2000 Zhang K., Mellor-Crummey J., Fowler R. J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.11.2000
СТ A Framework for Object-Oriented Metacomputing 1999 Stankovic N., Zhang K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.12.1999
СТ Native versus Java Message Passing 1999 Stankovich N., Zhang K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.11.1999
СТ Towards Visual Development of Message-Passing Programs 1997 Stankovic N., Zhang K. Proc. of 1997 IEEE Symp. on Visual Languages 18.03.1998
СТ Reserved Graph Grammar: A Specification Tool for Diagrammatic VPLs 1997 Zhang D. -Q., Zhang K. Proc. of 1997 IEEE Symp. on Visual Languages 18.03.1998
СТ A Methodology for Testing Intrusion Detection Systems 1996 Puketza N. J., Zhang K., Chung M. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 20.02.1997
СТ A Review of Exploitation of AND-Parallelism and Combined AND/OR-Parallelism in Logic Programs 1994 Zhang K. SIGPLAN Notices 16.03.1994