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Moldt D.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Proposal for Petri Net Based Web Service Application Modeling 2004 Moldt D., Offermann S., Ortmann J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.10.2004
СТ DaGen: A Tool for Automatic Translation from DAML-S to High-Level Petri Nets 2004 Moldt D., Ortmann J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.04.2004
СТ Pattern Based Workflow Design Using Reference Nets 2003 Moldt D., Rolke H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.09.2003
СТ A Proposal for Structuring Petri Net-Based Agent Interaction Protocols 2003 Cabac L., Moldt D., Rolke H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.07.2003
СТ Modeling Mobility and Mobile Agents Using Nets within Nets 2003 Kohler M., Moldt D., Rolke H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.07.2003
СТ Concurrent Architecture for a Multi-agent Platform 2003 Duvigneau M., Moldt D., Rolke H. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.03.2003
СТ Tool-Supported Interpreter-Based User Interface Architecture for Ubiquitous Computing 2002 Braubach L., Pokahr A., Moldt D., Bartelt A., Lamersdorf W. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.02.2003
СТ Object Coloured Petri Nets - A Formal Technique for Object Oriented Modeling 2001 Maier C., Moldt D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.05.2001
СТ Object Oriented Petri Nets in Business Process Modeling 2000 Moldt D., Valk R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.06.2000
СТ Symmetric Communication between Coloured Petri Net Simulations and Java-Processes 1999 Kummer O., Moldt D., Wienberg F. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.07.1999