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Cortesi A.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Banana - A Tool for Boudary Ambients Nesting ANAlysis 2003 Braghin C., Cortesi A., Fillippone S., Focardi C., Luccio F. L., Piazza C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.04.2003
СТ Reexecution-Based Analysis of Logic Programs with Delay Declarations 2001 Cortesi A., Le Charlier B., Rossi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.02.2002
СТ Distinctness and Sharing Domains for Static Analysis of Java Programs 2001 Pollet I., Le Charlier B., Cortesi A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.07.2001
СТ Automated Verification of Behavioural Properties of Prolog Programs 1997 Le Charlier B., Leclere C., Rossi S., Cortesi A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.12.1997
СТ Combinations of Abstract Domains for Logic Programming 1994 Cortesi A., Le Charlier B., Van Hentenryck P. Proc. of the POPL 94: 21st ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symp. on Principles of Programming Languages 29.08.1997
СТ Specification-Based Automatic Verification of Prolog Programs 1997 Cortesi A., Le Charlier B., Rossi S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12.04.1997
СТ Complementation in Abstract Interpretation 1995 Cortesi A., File G., Giacobazzi R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Static Analysis 16.11.1995
СТ Type Analysis of Prolog Using Type Graphs 1994 Van Hentenryck P., Cortesi A., Le Charlier B. SIGPLAN Notices 22.08.1994
СТ Abstract Interpretation of logic programs: an abstract domain for groundness, sharing, freeness and compoundness analysis 1991 Cortesi A., File G. SIGPLAN Notices 26.10.1991