СБ |
Network and Parallel Computing: Proc./11th IFIP WG 10.3 International Conference, NPC 2014, Ilan, Taiwan, September 2014 |
2014 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Hsu C. -H.
- Shi X.
- Salapura V.
11.12.2014 |
СБ |
Internet of Vehicles - Safe and Intelligent Mobility: Proc./2nd International Conference, IOV 2015, Chengdu, China, December 2015 |
2015 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Hsu C. -H.
- Xia F.
- Liu X.
- Wang S.
12.01.2016 |
СБ |
Cloud Computing and Big Data: Revised Selected Papers/2nd International Conference, CloudCom-Asia 2015, Huangshan, China, June 2015 |
2015 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Qiang W.
- Zheng X.
- Hsu C. -H.
29.03.2016 |
СБ |
Internet of Vehicles: Technologies and Services Toward Smart Cities: Proc./6th International Conference, IOV 2019, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 2019 |
2020 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
- Hsu C. -H.
- Kallel S.
- Lan K.-C.
- Zheng Z.
13.02.2020 |