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Singh M.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Object-Oriented XML Query by Example 2004 Bohrer K., Liu X., Mclaughlin S., Schonberg E., Singh M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.01.2004
СТ Designing a Security System by Means of Coloured Petri Nets 1996 Rasmussen J. L., Singh M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.08.1996
СТ Task Scheduling Using Intertask Dependencies in Carnot 1993 Woelk D., Attie P., Cannata P., Meredith G., Sheth A., Singh M., Tomlinson C. SIGMOD Record 13.09.1993


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: Proc./22nd International Conference, IPCO 2021, Atlanta,GA.USA. May 2021 2021 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Singh M.
  2. Williamson D. P.
СБ Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, Part II: Proc./12th International Conference, IHCI 2020, Daegu, South Korea, November 2020 2021 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Singh M.
  2. Kang D.-K.
  3. Lee J. -H.
  4. Tiwary U.S.
СБ Intelligent Human Computer Interaction, Part I: Proc./12th International Conference, IHCI 2020, Daegu, South Korea, November 2020 2021 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Singh M.
  2. Kang D.-K.
  3. Lee J. -H.
  4. Tiwary U.S.
СБ Research in Computational Molecular Biology: Proc./20th Annual Conference, RECOMB 2016, Santa Monica,CA,USA, April 2016 2016 Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics
  1. Singh M.
СБ Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Proc./10th International Workshop, WABI 2010, Liverpool, UK, September 2010 2010 Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics
  1. Moulton V.
  2. Singh M.
СБ Pattern Recognition and Data Mining, Part I: Proc./Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2005. Bath, UK, August 2005 2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Singh S.
  2. Singh M.
  3. Apte Ch.
  4. Perner P.
СБ Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, Part II: Proc./Third International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2005. Bath, UK, August 2005 2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Singh S.
  2. Singh M.
  3. Apte Ch.
  4. Perner P.
СБ Trust Cyber-societies: Integrating the Human and Artificial Perspectives 2001 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
  1. Falcone R.
  2. Singh M.
  3. Tan Y. -H.