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Kuijpers B.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Lossles Representation of Topological Spatial Data 1995 Kuijpers B., Paredaens J., Van Den Bussche J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Advances in Spatial Databases 09.09.1995
СТ On Expressing Topological Connectivity in Spatial Datalog 1996 Kuijpers B., Smits M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.03.1997
СТ Termination Properties of Spatial Datalog Programs 1996 Kuijpers B., Paredaens J., Smits M., Van Den Bussche J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.11.1996
СТ On Capturing First-Order Topollogical Properties of Planar Spatial Databases 1998 Kuijpers B., Van Den Bussche J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.01.1999
СТ Degrees of Monotonicity of Spatial Transformations 1998 Kuijpers B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.08.1998
СТ Euclid, Tarski, and Engeler Encompassed 1998 Paredaens J., Kuijpers B., Kuper G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.08.1998
СТ Semantics in Spatial Databases 1998 Kuijpers B., Paredaens J., Vandeurzen L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.03.1998
СТ Expressing Topological Connectivity of Spatial Databases 2000 Geerts F., Kuijpers B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.02.2001
СТ A Theory of Spatio-temporal Database Queries 2002 Geerts F., Haesevoets S., Kuijpers B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.10.2002
СТ Deciding Termination of Query Evauation in Transitive-Closure Logics for Constraint Databases 2003 Geerts F., Kuijpers B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.01.2003
СТ Region-Based Query Languages for Spatial Databases in the Topological Data Model 2003 Forlizzi L., Kuijpers B., Nardelli E. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.11.2003
СТ Constraint Databases, Data Structures and Efficient Query Evaluation 2004 Heintz J., Kuijpers B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.07.2004


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Constraint Databases: Proc./First International Symposium, CDB 2004. Paris France,June 2004 2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Kuijpers B.
  2. Revesz P.