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Wu X.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Database classification for multi-database mining 2005 Wu X., Zhang Ch., Zhang Sh. Information Systems 18.11.2004
СТ Web Information Based on Similar Patterns 2004 Ye N., Wu X., Zhu J., Chen W., Yao T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.09.2004
СТ NF-SS: A Normal Form for Semistructured Schema 2002 Wu X., Ling T. W., Lee S. Y., Lee M. L., Dobbie G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.11.2002
СТ Modeling and Imputation of Large Incomplete Multidimensional Databases 2002 Wu X., Barbara D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11.09.2002
СТ Federated Transaction Management with Snapshot Isolation 2000 Schenkel R., Weikum G., Weissenberg N., Wu X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.04.2000
СТ Query Processing and Transformaing for a Federated Database System 1997 Wu X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.09.1997
СТ An Architecture for Interoperation of Distributed Heterogeneous Database Systems 1996 Wu X. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Database and Expert Systems Applications 29.10.1996
СТ An Efficient Antialiasing Techniqie 1991 Wu X. Computer Graphics 04.08.1994