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Lamport L.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
П A Temporal Logic of Actions 1990 Lamport L. Digital 22.05.1991
П Composing Specifications 1991 Abadi M., Lamport L. Digital 16.08.1991
СТ An Old-Fashioned Recipe for Real Time 1992 Abadi M., Lamport L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.08.1992
СТ Mechanical Verification of Concurrent Systems with TLA 1993 Engberg U., Gronning P., Lamport L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 07.05.1993
СТ Hybrid Systems in TLA 1993 Lamport L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.12.1993
П How to Write a Proof 1993 Lamport L. Digital DATABASE 24.02.1994
П How to Make a Correct Multiprocess Program Execute Correctly on a Multiprocessor 1993 Lamport L. Digital Information Systems 10.03.1994
П Conjoining Specifications 1993 Abadi M., Lamport L. Digital 21.05.1994
П How to Write a Long Formula 1993 Lamport L. Digital 24.05.1994
СТ Verification and Specification of Concurrent Programs 1994 Lamport L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 05.08.1994
СТ The Temporal Logic of Actions 1994 Lamport L. ACM Trans. Programming Languages and Systems 01.09.1994
СТ Specifying and Verifying Fault-Tolerant Systems 1994 Lamport L., Merz S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.10.1994
П TLA in Pictures 1994 Lamport L. Digital 18.01.1995
П Processes are in the Eye of the Beholder 1994 Lamport L. Digital 17.05.1995
П Proving Possibility Properties 1995 Lamport L. Digital 21.12.1995
СТ A TLA Solution to the RPC-Memory Specification Problem 1996 Adadi M., Lamport L., Merz S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.12.1996
П Should Your Specification Language Be Typed? 1997 Lamport L., Paulson L. C. Digital 30.08.1997
СТ Distributed Computing: Models and Methods 1994 Lamport L., Lynch N. Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science. Formal Models and Semantics. Volume B 27.01.1998
П Fairness and Hyperfairness 1998 Lamport L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Digital 28.05.1998
П Disk Paxos 2000 Gafni E., Lamport L. Systems Research Center 18.04.2001
СТ High-Level Specifications: Lessons from Industry 2003 Batson B., Lamport L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 31.01.2004