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Nepomniaschaya A. Sh.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ An Associative Version of the Bellman-Ford Algorithm for Finding the Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs 2001 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.08.2001
СТ An Associative Version of the Prim-Dijkstra Algorithm and Its Application to Some Graph Problems 1996 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.02.1997
СТ An efficient associative algorithm for multi-comparand parallel searching and its applications 2006 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 02.03.2007
СТ Associative Parallel Algorithm for Dynamic Reconstruction of A Minimum Spanning Tree After Deletion of a Vertex 2005 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.10.2005
СТ Associative parallel algorithm for dynamic reconstruction of the shortest paths tree after insertion of a vertex 2006 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh., Snytnikova T. V. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 02.03.2007
СТ Checking Spanning Trees for Optimally Using Associative Parallel Processors and Its Visualization 2004 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh., Borets T. V. Проблемы программирования 26.11.2004
СТ Comparison of Two MST Algorithms for Associative Parallel Processors 1995 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Parallel Computing Technologies 18.10.1995
СТ Construction used in associative parallel algorithms for undirected graphs. Part 1 2013 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 25.03.2014
СТ Decremental associative algorithm for updating the shortest paths tree 2011 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 03.04.2012
СТ Effective Representation of Algorithm for Finding a Minimal Spanning Tree of a Graph in Associative Parallel Processor 1995 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 08.04.1997
СТ Efficient associative algorithms for implementing the second group of relational algebra operations 2008 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 03.03.2009
СТ Efficient update of tree paths on associative systems with bit-parallel processing 2005 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Bull. Novosibirsk Computing Center. Ser.: Computer Science 29.04.2006
СТ High Level Language STAR for Associative Parallel Processors and Its Application to Relational Algebra 1993 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Bull. Novosibirsk Computing Center. Ser.: Computer Science 24.12.1993
СТ Investigation of Associative Search Algorithms in Vertical Processing Systems 1993 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Parallel Computing Technologies 22.10.1993
СТ Language Star for Associative and Parallel Computation with Vertical Data Processing 1991 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc. Intern. Conf. 17.10.1991
СТ Parallel implementation of the Ramalingam decremental algorithm for dynamic updating the single-sink shortest paths subgraph 2009 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 11.08.2009
СТ Parallel implementation of the Ramalingam incremental algorithm for dynamic updating the shortest-paths subgraph 2010 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 05.04.2011
СТ Representation of the Gabow Algorithm for Finding Smallest Spanning Trees with a Degree Constraint on Associative Parallel Processors 1996 Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Euro-Par 96 Parallel Processing 11.10.1996
СТ Very-High-Level Language Paris 1991 Korneev V., Mirenkov N., Nepomniaschaya A. Sh. Parallel Computing Technologies: Proc. Inter. Conf. 17.10.1991