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Garanina N.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Two-Step Deductive Verification of Control Software Using Reflex 2020 Anureev I., Garanina N., Liakh T., Rozov A., Zyubin V., Gorlatch S. LNCS 28.01.2020
СТ Two-Step Deductive Verification of Control Software Using Reflex 2019 Anureev I., Garanina N., Liakh T., Rozov A., Zyubin V., Gorlatch S. PSI'19 Preliminary Proc. 14.08.2019
СТ A Distributed Approach to Coreference Resolution in Multiagent Text Analysis for Ontology Population 2018 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Kononenko I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.03.2018
СТ An Ontological Approach to a System of Requairements Patterns 2017 Garanina N. Тезисы семинара "Программные семантики, спецификации и верификация" 25.08.2017
СТ Conflict Resolution in Multi-agent Systems with Typed Connextions for Ontology Population 2016 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Anokhin S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science PSI 10 05.09.2016
СТ A Multi-agent Text Analysis Based on Ontology of Subject Domain 2015 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Bodin E. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.09.2015
СТ A Multi-Agent Text Analysis Based on Ontology of Subject Domain 2014 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Bodin E. PSI 14 05.08.2014
СТ Using SPIN for Verification of Multi-agent Data Analysis 2014 Garanina N., Bodin E., Sidorova E. Proc./9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia 10.06.2014