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Promsky A. V.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
П A Formal Approach to the Error Localization 2012 Promsky A. V. ИСИ СО РАН 26.03.2013
СТ A Three-Level Approach to C# Program Verification 2004 Nepomniaschy V. A., Anureev I. S., Dubranovsky I. V., Promsky A. V. Computer Science Joint Bull. of NCC and IIS 22.10.2004
СТ Automatic C Program Verification Based on Mixed Axiomatic Semantics 2013 Maryasov I. V., Nepomniaschy V. A., Promsky A. V., Kondratyev D. A. Proceedings of the 8th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia 09.08.2013
СТ Error-tracing axiomatic semantics for C-kernel 2010 Promsky A. V. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 04.04.2011
СТ Experiments on self-applicability in the C-light verification system 2013 Promsky A. V. Computer Science Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 25.03.2014
СТ Experiments on self-applicability in the C-light verification system. Part 2 2014 Promsky A. V. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 02.09.2015
СТ The C#-light project: solution of some verification challenges 2007 Promsky A. V. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 04.03.2008
П Toward C# Program Verification: A Three-level Approach 2005 Nepomniaschy V. A., Anureev I. S., Dubranovsky I. V., Promsky A. V. IIS SB RAS 30.12.2005
СТ Towards C-light Program Verification: Overcoming the Obstacles 2009 Promsky A. V. PSI 09 IW on Program Understanding 23.07.2009
СТ Verification-Oriented Language C-Light and Its Structural Operational Semantics 2003 Nepomniaschy V. A., Anureev I. S., Promsky A. V. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.02.2004
СТ Verifying the Standard C Library: the C-light Approach 2012 Promsky A. V. Conference proceedings 30.09.2012