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Sidorova E.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Analysis of the Persuasiveness of Argumentation in Popular Science Texts 2020 Zagorulko Yu., Domanov O., Sidorova E., Borovikova O. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 23.10.2020
СТ The Study of Argumentative Relations in Popular Science Discourse 2020 Kononenko I., Sidorova E., Akhmadeeva I. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 23.10.2020
СТ A Distributed Approach to Coreference Resolution in Multiagent Text Analysis for Ontology Population 2018 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Kononenko I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.03.2018
СТ Conflict Resolution in Multi-agent Systems with Typed Connextions for Ontology Population 2016 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Anokhin S. Lecture Notes in Computer Science PSI 10 05.09.2016
СТ A Multi-agent Text Analysis Based on Ontology of Subject Domain 2015 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Bodin E. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.09.2015
СТ A Multi-Agent Text Analysis Based on Ontology of Subject Domain 2014 Garanina N., Sidorova E., Bodin E. PSI 14 05.08.2014
СТ Using SPIN for Verification of Multi-agent Data Analysis 2014 Garanina N., Bodin E., Sidorova E. Proc./9th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia 10.06.2014
СТ Ontology-based approach to text analysis 2007 Sidorova E., Zagorulko Yu. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk Computing Center 05.03.2008