СТ |
Compiler-Assisted Cache Replacement: Problem Formulation and Performance Evaluation |
2004 |
Yang H., Govindarajan R., Gao G. R., Hu Z. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
08.04.2004 |
СТ |
Speculative Prefetching of Induction Pointers |
2001 |
Stoutchinin A., Amaral J. N., Gao G. R., Dehnert J. C., Jain S., Douillet A. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
28.04.2001 |
СТ |
Minimum Register Instruction Scheduling: A New Approach for Dynamic Instruction Issue Processors |
2000 |
Govindarajan R., Zhang C., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
09.09.2000 |
СТ |
Efficient State-Diagram Construction Methods for Software Pipelining |
1999 |
Zhang C., Govindarajan R., Ryan S., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
02.04.1999 |
СТ |
A New Framework for Elimination-Based Data Flow Analysis Using DJ Graphs |
1998 |
Sreedhar V. C., Gao G. R., Lee Y. -F. |
ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems |
27.11.1998 |
СТ |
A New Fast Algorithm for Optimal Register Allocation in Modulo Scheduled Loops |
1998 |
Lelait S., Gao G. R., Eisenbeis C. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
17.04.1998 |
СТ |
Software Pipelining Showdown: Optimal vs. Heuristic Methods in a Production Compiler |
1996 |
Ruttenberg J., Gao G. R., Stoutchinin A., Lichtenstein W. |
SIGPLAN Notices |
16.10.1996 |
СТ |
A New Framework for Exhaustive and Incremental Data Flow Analysis Using DJ Graphs |
1996 |
Sreedhar V. C., Gao G. R., Lee Y. -F. |
SIGPLAN Notices |
16.10.1996 |
СТ |
Pipelining-Dovetailing: A Transformation to Enhance Software Pipelining for Nested Loops |
1996 |
Wang J., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
21.05.1996 |
СТ |
An Experimental Study of an ILP-based Exact Solution Method for Software Pipelining |
1996 |
Altman E. R., Govundarajan R., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
24.02.1996 |
СТ |
Costs and Benefits of Multithreading eith Off-the-Shelf RISC Processors |
1995 |
Maquelin O. C., Hum H.H. J., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
EURO-PAR 95 Parallel Processing |
19.10.1995 |
СТ |
Scheduling and Mapping: Software Pipelining in the Presence of Structural Hazards |
1995 |
Altman E. R., Govindarajan R., Gao G. R. |
13.09.1995 |
СТ |
Maximum Pipelining Linear Recurrence on Static Flow Computers |
1986 |
Gao G. R. |
Intern. J. Parallel Programming |
30.05.1995 |
СТ |
Incremental Computation of Dominator Trees |
1995 |
Sreedhar V. C., Gao G. R., Lee Y. |
SIGPLAN Notices |
05.05.1995 |
СТ |
A Framework for Resource-Constrained Rate-Optimal Software Pipelining |
1994 |
Govindarajan R., Altman E. R., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
22.11.1994 |
СТ |
A Kahn Principle for Networks of Nonmonotonic Real-time Processes |
1993 |
Yates R. K., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
29.07.1993 |
СТ |
On the Limits of Program Parallelism and its Smoothability |
1992 |
Theobald K. B., Gao G. R., Hendren L. J. |
SIGMICRO Newsletter |
13.03.1993 |
СТ |
A Register Allocation Framework Based on Hierarchical Cyclic Interval Graphs |
1992 |
Hendren L. J., Gao G. R., Altman E. R., Mukerji C. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
27.10.1992 |
СТ |
Compiling for Dataflow Software Pipelining |
1990 |
Gao G. R., Paraskevas Z. |
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing |
22.10.1992 |
СТ |
A Polynomial Time Method for Optimal Software Pipelining |
1992 |
Van Dongen V. H., Gao G. R., Ning Q. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
01.10.1992 |
СТ |
Minimizing Loop Storage Allocation for an Argument-Fetching Dataflow Architecture Model |
1992 |
Qi Ning., Gao G. R. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
29.07.1992 |