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Gao G. R.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Compiler-Assisted Cache Replacement: Problem Formulation and Performance Evaluation 2004 Yang H., Govindarajan R., Gao G. R., Hu Z. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 08.04.2004
СТ Speculative Prefetching of Induction Pointers 2001 Stoutchinin A., Amaral J. N., Gao G. R., Dehnert J. C., Jain S., Douillet A. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 28.04.2001
СТ Minimum Register Instruction Scheduling: A New Approach for Dynamic Instruction Issue Processors 2000 Govindarajan R., Zhang C., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.09.2000
СТ Efficient State-Diagram Construction Methods for Software Pipelining 1999 Zhang C., Govindarajan R., Ryan S., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.04.1999
СТ A New Framework for Elimination-Based Data Flow Analysis Using DJ Graphs 1998 Sreedhar V. C., Gao G. R., Lee Y. -F. ACM Trans. on Programming Languages and Systems 27.11.1998
СТ A New Fast Algorithm for Optimal Register Allocation in Modulo Scheduled Loops 1998 Lelait S., Gao G. R., Eisenbeis C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.04.1998
СТ Software Pipelining Showdown: Optimal vs. Heuristic Methods in a Production Compiler 1996 Ruttenberg J., Gao G. R., Stoutchinin A., Lichtenstein W. SIGPLAN Notices 16.10.1996
СТ A New Framework for Exhaustive and Incremental Data Flow Analysis Using DJ Graphs 1996 Sreedhar V. C., Gao G. R., Lee Y. -F. SIGPLAN Notices 16.10.1996
СТ Pipelining-Dovetailing: A Transformation to Enhance Software Pipelining for Nested Loops 1996 Wang J., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.05.1996
СТ An Experimental Study of an ILP-based Exact Solution Method for Software Pipelining 1996 Altman E. R., Govundarajan R., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 24.02.1996
СТ Costs and Benefits of Multithreading eith Off-the-Shelf RISC Processors 1995 Maquelin O. C., Hum H.H. J., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science EURO-PAR 95 Parallel Processing 19.10.1995
СТ Scheduling and Mapping: Software Pipelining in the Presence of Structural Hazards 1995 Altman E. R., Govindarajan R., Gao G. R. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 13.09.1995
СТ Maximum Pipelining Linear Recurrence on Static Flow Computers 1986 Gao G. R. Intern. J. Parallel Programming 30.05.1995
СТ Incremental Computation of Dominator Trees 1995 Sreedhar V. C., Gao G. R., Lee Y. SIGPLAN Notices 05.05.1995
СТ A Framework for Resource-Constrained Rate-Optimal Software Pipelining 1994 Govindarajan R., Altman E. R., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.11.1994
СТ A Kahn Principle for Networks of Nonmonotonic Real-time Processes 1993 Yates R. K., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.07.1993
СТ On the Limits of Program Parallelism and its Smoothability 1992 Theobald K. B., Gao G. R., Hendren L. J. SIGMICRO Newsletter 13.03.1993
СТ A Register Allocation Framework Based on Hierarchical Cyclic Interval Graphs 1992 Hendren L. J., Gao G. R., Altman E. R., Mukerji C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.10.1992
СТ Compiling for Dataflow Software Pipelining 1990 Gao G. R., Paraskevas Z. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing 22.10.1992
СТ A Polynomial Time Method for Optimal Software Pipelining 1992 Van Dongen V. H., Gao G. R., Ning Q. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 01.10.1992
СТ Minimizing Loop Storage Allocation for an Argument-Fetching Dataflow Architecture Model 1992 Qi Ning., Gao G. R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.07.1992