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Langmaack H.
Вид | Название | Год | Автор | Серия | Редакторы | Колл. автор | Источник | Дата поступления |
СТ | Consistency of Inheritance in Object-Oriented Languages and of Static, ALGOL-like Binding | 2004 | Langmaack H. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 27.04.2004 | |||
СТ | Contribution to Goodenough s and Gerhart s Theory of Software Testing and Verification: Relation between Strong Compiler Test and Compiler Implementation Verification | 1997 | Langmaack H. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 28.11.1997 | |||
СТ | Provably Correct Compiler Development and Implementation | 1992 | Buth B., Buth K. -H., Franzle M., Karger B. V., Lakhneche Y., Langmaack H., Muller-Olm M. | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 27.10.1992 |
Вид | Название | Год | Автор | Серия | Редакторы | Колл. автор | Источник | Дата поступления |
СБ | Compositionality: The Significant Difference: Revised Lectures /International Symposium, COMPOS 97. Bad Malente, Germany, September 1997 | 1998 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
29.01.1999 | |||
СБ | Formal Methods for Industrial Applications: Specifying and Programming the Steam Boiler Control | 1996 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
15.12.1996 | |||
СБ | Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems: Proc./Third Intern. Symp. Organized Jointly with the Working Group Provably Correct Systems - ProCoS. Lubeck, Germany, September 1994 | 1994 | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
12.10.1994 |