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Jones C. B.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Formal Basis for Some Dependability Notions 2003 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.12.2003
СТ A Multi-representation Spatial Data Model 2003 Zhou S., Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13.11.2003
СТ Spatio-Temporal Geographic Information Systems: A Causal Perspective 2002 El-Geresy B. A., Abdelmoty A. I., Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.10.2002
СТ A Data-Flow Approach to Visual Querying in Large Spatial Darabases 2002 Morris A. J., Abdelmoty A. I., El-Geresy B. A., Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10.04.2002
СТ Design and Implementation of Multi-scale Databases 2001 Zhou S., Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 16.08.2001
СТ Scientific Decisions which Characterize VDM 1999 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 30.10.1999
СТ Some Mistakes I Have and What I Have Learned from Them 1998 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.04.1998
СТ Accomodating Interference in the Formal Design of Concurrent Object-Based Programs 1996 Jones C. B. Formal Methods in System Design 28.06.1996
СТ Some Practical Problems and Their Influence on Semantics 1996 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 18.05.1996
СТ A Typed Logic of Partial Functions Reconstructed Classically 1994 Jones C. B., Middelburg C. A. Acta Informatica 30.09.1994
СТ Understanding the Differences between VDM and Z 1994 Hayes I. J., Jones C. B., Nicholls J. E. Software Engineering Notes 16.09.1994
СТ A pi-Calculus Semantics for an Object-Based Design Notation 1993 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.10.1993
СТ Reasoning about Interference in an Object-Based Design Method 1993 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.05.1993
СТ Constraining Interference in an Object-Based Design Method 1993 Jones C. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.05.1993