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Holzle U.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Study of the Allocation Bahavior of the SPECjvm98 Java Benchmarks 1999 Dieckmann S., Holzle U. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.07.1999
СТ jContractor: A Reflective Java Library to Support Design by Contract 1999 Karaorman M., Holzle U., Bruno J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 19.08.1999
СТ Dynamic Query-Based Debugging 1999 Lencevicius R., Holzle U., Singh A. K. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.07.1999
СТ Reducing Transfer Delay Using Java Class File Splitting and Prefetching 1999 Krintz C., Calder B., Holzle U. SIGPLAN Notices 21.12.1999
СТ Removing Unnecessary Synchronization in Java 1999 Bogla J., Holzle U. SIGPLAN Notices 21.12.1999
СТ Query-Based Debugging of Object-Oriented Programs 1997 Lencevicius R., Holzle U., Singh A. K. SIGPLAN Notices 23.01.1998
СТ Eliminating Virtual Function Calls in C++ Programs 1996 Aigner G., Holzle U. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ECOOP 96 - Object-Oriented Programming 04.10.1996
СТ Do Object-Oriented Languages Need Special Hardware Support? 1995 Holzle U., Ungar D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ECOOP 95 - Object-Oriented Programming 26.09.1995
СТ Message Dispatch on Pipelined Processors 1995 Driesen K., Holzle U., Vitek J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ECOOP 95 - Object-Oriented Programming 26.09.1995
СТ Type Feedback vs. Concrete Type Inference: A Comparison of Optimization Techniques for Object-Oriented Languages 1995 Agesen O., Holzle U. SIGPLANE Notices 26.12.1995
СТ Minimizing Row Displacement Dispatch Tables 1995 Driesen K., Holzle U. SIGPLANE Notices 26.12.1995
СТ A Third-Generation SELF Implementation: Reconciling Responsiveness with Performance 1994 Holzle U., Ungar D. SIGPLAN Notices 22.12.1994
СТ Optimizing Dynamically-Dispatched Calls with Run-Time Type Feedback 1994 Holzle U., Ungar D. SIGPLAN Notices 22.08.1994
СТ Integrating Independently-Developed Components in Object-Oriented Languages 1993 Holzle U. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.09.1993
СТ Debugging Optimized Code with Dynamic Deoptimization 1992 Holzle U., Chambers C., Ungar D. SIGPLAN Notices 10.07.1992