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Musumbu K.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Generic Abstract Interpretation Algorithm and Its Complexity Analysis 1991 Le Charlier B., Musumbu K., Van Hentenryck P. Logic Programming: Proc./Eighth Intern. Conf. 19.09.1994
СТ Efficient Bottom-up Abstract Interpretation of Prolog by Means of Constraint Solving over Symbolic Finite Domains 1993 Corsini M. -M., Musumbu K., Rauzy A., Le Charlier B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.09.1993
СТ The m-calculus over Finite Domains as an Abstract Semantics of Prolog 1992 Corsini M. -M., Musumbu K., Rauzy A. BIGRE 05.11.1992
СТ Interpretation abstraite au moyen des grammaires attribuees 1991 Musumbu K. BIGRE 11.12.1991
СТ Type inference in Prolog: a new approach 1991 Corsini M-M., Musumbu K. INRIA Informatika 91: Theoretical Computer Science and Methods of Compilation and Program Construction 20.11.1991