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Lopes J. G.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Basic Conceptual Structures Theory 1994 Wermelinger M., Lopes J. G. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 26.08.1994
СТ A Logic Programming Framework for the Abductive Inference of Intentions in Cooperative Dialogues 1994 Quaresma P., Lopes J. G. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 04.08.1994
СТ An X-Windows Toolkit for Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Based on Conceptual Structures 1993 Wermelinger M., Lopes J. G. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 22.12.1993
СТ Building Text Temporal Structure 1993 Rodrigues I. P., Lopes J. G. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 13.11.1993