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Manthey R.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Active and Passive Rules in Database Systems: How Do They Relate? 1994 Manthey R. Advances in Databases and Information Systems. ADBIS 94 15.07.1995
СТ Chimera: A Model and Language for Active DOOD Systems 1995 Ceri S., Manthey R. East/West Database Workshop: Proc./Second Intern. East/West Database Workshop, Klagenfurt, Austria, 25-28 September 1994 17.05.1995
СТ Beyond Data Dictionaries: Towards a Reflective Architecture of Intelligent Database Systems 1993 Manthey R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.12.1993
СТ The EKS-V1 System 1992 Vieille L., Bayer P., Kuchenholf V., Lefebvre A., Manthey R. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11.08.1992
СТ Declarative Languages - Paradigm of the Past or Challenge of the Future? 1991 Manthey R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14.08.1991
СТ Integrity and recursion: two key issues for deductive databases 1991 Manthey R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.05.1991


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./7th East European Conference, ADBIS 2003, Dresden, Germany, September 2003 2003
  1. Kalinichenko L.
  2. Manthey R.
  3. Thalheim B.
  4. Wloka U.
СБ Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proc./7th East European Conf., ADBIS 2003, Dresden, Germany, September 2003 2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  1. Kalinichenko L.
  2. Manthey R.
  3. Thalheim B.
  4. Wloka U.