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Moss J.E. B.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Hybrid Optimizations: Which Optimization Algorithm to Use? 2006 Cavazos J., Moss J.E. B., O Boyle M.F. P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.06.2006
СТ Age-Based Garbage Collection 1999 Stefanovic D., Mckinley K. S., Moss J.E. B. SIGPLAN Notices 21.12.1999
СТ Type-Based Alias Analysis 1998 Diwan A., Mckinley K. S., Moss J.E. B. SIGPLAN Notices 16.09.1998
СТ Garbage Collection and Local Variable Type-Precision and Liveness in JavaTM Virtual Machines 1998 Agesen O., Detlefs D., Moss J.E. B. SIGPLAN Notices 16.09.1998
СТ Simple and Effective Analysis of Statically-Typed Object-Oriented Programs 1996 Diwan A., Moss J.E. B., Mckinley K. S. SIGPLAN Notices 20.02.1997
СТ The MaStA I/O Cost Model and its Validation Strategy 1995 Scheuerl S., Connor R.C. H., Morrison R., Moss J.E. B., Munro D. S. Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter. Russian Basic Research Foundation ADBIS 95 14.09.1995
СТ Characterisation of Object Behaviour in Standard ML of New Jersey 1994 Stefanovic D., Moss J.E. B. LISP Pointers 13.01.1995
СТ Supporting Full-Text Information Retrieval with a Persistent Object Store 1994 Brown E. W., Callan J. P., Croft W. B., Moss J.E. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 23.04.1994
СТ Protection Traps and Alternatives for Memory Management of an Object-Oriented Language 1993 Hosking A. L., Moss J.E. B. Operating Systems Review 18.02.1994
СТ Object Fault Handling for Persistent Programming Languages: A Performance Evaluation 1993 Hosking A. L., Moss J.E. B. SIGPLAN Notices 26.01.1994
СТ Transactional Memory: Architectural Support for Lock-Free Data Structures 1993 Herlihy M., Moss J.E. B. Computer Architecture News 24.06.1993
СТ A Comparative Performance Evaluation of Write Barrier Implementations 1992 Hosking A. L., Moss J.E. B., Stefanovic D. SIGPLAN Notices 15.12.1992
СТ Incremental Collection of Mature Objects 1992 Hudson R. L., Moss J.E. B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22.10.1992