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Liquori L.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ A Framework for Defining Object-Calculi 1999 Lang F., Lescanne P., Liquori L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.10.1999
СТ A Lambda Calculus of Objects with Self-Inflicted Extension 1998 Di Gianantonio P., Honsell F., Liquori L. SIGPLAN Notices 21.04.1999
СТ On Object Extension 1998 Liquori L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 04.08.1998
СТ A Linear Logic Calculus of Objects 1996 Bugliesi M., Delzanno G., Liquori L., Martelli M. Logic Programming 12.03.1998
СТ An Extended Theory of Primitive Objects: First Order System 1997 Liquori L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 09.07.1997
СТ A Subtyping for the Fisher-Honsell-Mitchell Lambda Calculus of Objects 1995 Bono V., Liquori L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Science Logic 24.09.1995
СТ A Subtyping for the Eisher-Honsell-Mitchell Lambda Calculus of Objects 1995 Bono V., Liquori L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Science Logic 29.08.1995
СТ Comparing Cubes 1994 Van Bakel S., Liquori L., Della Rocca S. R., Urzyczyn P. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 02.08.1994