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Ottmann T.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
П A Comparison of Iterative and Defined Classes of Search Trees 1980 Ottmann T., Wood D. Univ.Mcmaster 03.09.1991
П Dense Multiway Trees 1979 Culik K., Ottmann T., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 25.09.1991
СТ Learning Picture Sets from Examples 1994 Bruggemann-Klein A., Fischer P., Ottmann T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12.07.1994
П Minimal-cost brother trees 1979 Ottmann T., Rosenberg A., Six H., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 26.09.1991
П New Results in balanced search trees 1977 Ottmann T., Six H., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 26.09.1991
П On the correspondes between AVL trees and brother trees 1979 Ottmann T., Six H., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 26.09.1991
СТ Relaxed Balance for Search Trees with Local Rebalancing 2001 Larsen K. S., Ottmann T., Soisalon-Soininen E. Acta Informatica 20.08.2001
П The Implementation of Insertion and Deletion Algorithms for 1-2 Brother Trees 1980 Ottmann T., Six W., Wood D. Univ.Mcmaster 03.09.1991
П Two Papers on AVL and Brother Trees: One-sided k-height balanced trees 1979 Ottmann T., Six H., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 26.09.1991
П Two papers on AVL and brother trees: On the Correspondes between AVL Trees and Brother Trees 1979 Ottmann T., Six H., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 26.09.1991
П 1-2 Brother Trees or AVL Trees Revisited 1979 Ottmann T., Wood D. McMaster Univ. 26.09.1991