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Beney J.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Transfer of Expertise between Two-level Grammars and Logic Programs through an Affix Implementation 1990 Beney J., Boulicaut J. Informatics 89 14.02.1991
СТ Starlet: An Affix-Based Compiler Compiler designed as a Logic Programming System 1990 Beney J., Boulicaut J. Compiler Compilers 16.02.1991
СТ STARLET: An Affix-Based Compiler Compiler Designed as a Logic Programming Systems 1990 Beney J., Boulicaut J. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15.03.1991
М On the borderline between grammars and programs 1990 Koster C., Beney J. Univ.Nijmegen 23.07.1991
СТ A Workshop Support Grammatical Programming 1991 Benharkat A., Beney J., Frecon L. Informatika 91 24.07.1991
П On the limits of multipass grammars 1993 Beney J. 19.05.1993
М Classification supervisee de documents 2008 Beney J. 26.08.2008