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Cardelli L.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
П Dynamic Typing in a Statically Typed Language 1989 Abadi M., Cardelli L., Pierce B. C., Plotkin G. D. Digital 02.04.2013
СТ A Spatial Logic for Concurrency (Part II) 2002 Caires L., Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 04.09.2002
СТ Modern Concurrency Abstractions for C# 2002 Benton L., Cardelli L., Fournet C. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 17.07.2002
СТ A Spatial Logic for Concurrency (Part I) 2001 Caires L., Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 04.11.2001
СТ A Query Language Based on the Ambient Logic 2001 Cardelli L., Ghelli G. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.04.2001
СТ Semistructured Computation 2000 Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 03.02.2001
М A Theory of Objects 1998 Abadi M., Cardelli L. Monographs in Computer Science 09.12.1999
СТ Service Combinators for Web Computing 1999 Cardelli L., Davies R. IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering 29.10.1999
СТ Mobile Computation 1997 Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.05.1997
СТ Migratory Applications 1997 Bharat K., Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.05.1997
П Program Fragments, Linking, and Modularization 1997 Cardelli L. Digital 08.04.1997
П Typeful Programming 1989 Cardelli L. Digital Lecture Notes in Computer Science 29.05.1996
СТ On Subtyping and Matching 1995 Abadi M., Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science ECOOP 95 - Object-Oriented Programming 26.09.1995
СТ An Imperative Object Calculus 1995 Abadi M., Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.06.1995
П Dynamic Typing in Polymorphic Languages 1994 Abadi M., Cardelli L., Pierce B., Remy D. Digital 20.09.1994
П Extensible Syntax with Lexical Scoping 1994 Cardelli L., Matthes F., Abadi M. Digital 20.09.1994
П Obliq - A Language with Distributed Scope 1994 Cardelli L. Digital 20.09.1994
СТ A Theory of Primitive Objects: Second-Order Systems 1994 Abadi M., Cardelli L. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.05.1994
П An Implementation of F<: 1993 Cardelli L. Digital 10.03.1994
П An Implementation of F : 1993 Cardelli L. Digital 30.10.1993
П Formal Parametric Polymorphism 1993 Abadi M., Cardelli L., Curien P. -L. Digital 30.10.1993
СТ Modula-3 Language Definition 1992 Cardelli L., Donahue J., Glassman L., Jordan M., Kalsow B., Nelson G. SIGPLAN Notices 06.09.1992
СТ Basic polymorphic typechecking 1984 Cardelli L. AT and T Bell Lab. 04.06.1992
П Subtyping Recursive Types 1991 Amadio R. M., Cardelli L. Digital 07.02.1992
П Modula-3 Report (revised) 1989 Cardelli L., Donahue J., Glassman L., Jordan M., Kalsow B., Nelson G. Digital 18.05.1991
П Abstract Types and the Dot Notation 1990 Cardelli L., Leroy X. Digital 29.03.1991
П A Semantic Basis for Quest 1990 Cardelli L., Longo G. Digital 29.03.1991
П Explicit Substitutions 1990 Abadi M., Cardelli L., Curien P., Levy J. Digital 02.03.1991
П Operations on Records 1989 Cardelli L., Mitchell J. Digital 20.02.1991