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Bjorner D.


Вид Название Год Автор Серия Редакторы Колл. автор Источник Дата поступления
СТ Role of Domain Engineering in Software Development. Why Current Requirements Engineering Is Flawed! 2010 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Perspectives of Systems Informatics 13.04.2010
СТ "UML-ising" Formal Techniques 2004 Bjorner D., George Ch. W., Haxthausen A. E., Madsen Ch. K., Holmslykke S., Penicka M. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.11.2004
СТ Towards Posit & Prove Calculi for Requirements Engineering and Software Design 2004 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 27.04.2004
СТ Domain Engineering: A "Radical Innovation" for Software and Systems Engineering? A Biased Account 2003 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 26.03.2004
СТ "What Is an Infrastructure?" Towards an Informatics Answer 2003 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 25.12.2003
СТ Domain Engineering: A Software Engineering Discipline in Need of Research 2000 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 21.12.2000
СТ A Triptych Software Development Paradigm: Domain, Requirements and Software 1999 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 20.11.1999
СТ Formal, Model-Oriented Software Development Methods. From VDM to ProCoS & from RAISE to LaCoS 1990 Bjorner D., Haxthausen A. E., Havelund K. 29.09.1999
СТ Domains as a Prerequisite for Requirements and Software Domain Perspectives & Facets, Requirements Aspects and Software Views 1998 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10.12.1998
СТ A Formal Software Engineering Paradigm: From Domains via Requirements to Software - Formal Specification & Design Calculi 1997 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 06.12.1997
СТ New Software Development 1996 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST 09.01.1997
П Models of Enterprise Management: Strategy, Tactics & Operations - A Case Study Applied to Airlines and Manufacturing 1996 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST UNU/IIST 09.01.1997
П LDM: A Logical Computing Systems Development Method 1996 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST UNU/IIST 09.01.1997
П Software Support for Infrastructure Systems 1995 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST 09.01.1997
П Infrastructure Software Systems 1996 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST 09.01.1997
П LSD: Logical Systems Development 1996 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST 20.11.1996
СТ Laws of Man-made Systems. Software Support for Infrastructures 1996 Bjorner D. Ershov Memorial Conference, PSI 96, 25 June 1996 03.08.1996
П Domain Analysis - A Prerequisite for Requirements Capture 1995 Prehn S., George C. W., Bjorner D. UNU/IIST 02.07.1996
П Scheduling and Rescheduling of Trains 1995 Bjorner D., George C., Prehn S. UNU/IIST 02.07.1996
П Semantics of Systems from Application Domain Analysis to Requirements Capture with Some Notes on Software Architecture - A Methodology Study 1996 Bjorner D., George C. W., Leung K.P. H. UNU/IIST 02.07.1996
П Software Systems Engineering from Domain Analysis via Requirements Capture to Software Architectures 1996 Bjorner D. UNU/IIST 02.07.1996
П UNU/IIST Annual Report 1995 1996 Bjorner D. United Nations Univ. 29.05.1996
СТ Facets of Software Development 1989 Bjorner D. J.W. de Bakker, 25 Jaar Semantiek 04.10.1995
П Esprit BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCoS Interim Deliverable 1990 Bjorner D. Techn.Univ.Denmark 13.05.1995
П The UNU/IIST Programme 1993 Bjorner D. United Nations Univ. 18.11.1994
П Annual Report, 1993. UNI/IIST 1994 Bjorner D. United Nations Univ. 18.11.1994
П ESPRIT BRA 3104: Provably Correct Systems ProCos Interim Deliverable 1990 Bjorner D. Techn.Univ.Denmark 05.06.1992
П Towards a Theory of Work Flow Systems - a Torso 1990 Bjorner D. Techn.Univ.Denmark 05.06.1992
СТ Formal Methods in Software Development Requirements for a CASE 1991 Bjorner D. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 31.07.1991
П Formal Specification is an Experimental Science 1991 Bjorner D. Techn.Univ.Denmark 21.06.1991