СТ |
A Characterization of Weak Bisimulation Congruence |
2005 |
Van Glabbeek R. J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
21.03.2006 |
СТ |
On Cool Congruence Formats for Week Bisimulations (Extended Abstract) |
2005 |
Van Glabbeek R. J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
29.11.2005 |
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Partial order semantics for refinement of actions - neither necessary nor sufficient but appropriate when used with care |
1989 |
Van Glabbeek R. J., Goltz U. |
11.11.1995 |
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Branching Time and Abstraction in Bisimulation Semantics |
1989 |
Van Glabbeek R. J., Weijland W. P. |
11.11.1995 |
СТ |
A Complete Axiomatization for Branching Bisimulation Congruence of Finite-State Behaviours |
1993 |
Van Glabbeek R. J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
20.10.1993 |
СТ |
The Linear Time - Branching Time Spectrum II (The semantics of sequential systems with silent moves) |
1993 |
Van Glabbeek R. J. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
19.10.1993 |
СТ |
Interleaving Semantics and Action Refinement with Atomic Choice |
1992 |
Czaja I., Van Glabbeek R. J., Goltz U. |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
09.07.1992 |