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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Formal Study of the Mcube Interconnection Network
A Parallel Development Environment for the IPSC Hypercube
A Parallel Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog
Architectures and Algorithms for Group Scheduling
Bypass Strategy in Hypercube Multiprocessors by adding Bus Connections
Comments on Debugging Hypercubes in a von Neumann Language
Compile-Time Transformations and Optimization of Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms
Concurrent Data Structures for Hypercube Machine
Connection Machine Results for Pyramid Embedding Algorithms
Data Partitioning and Allocation Strategies for Parallel Database Operations
Divide-and-Conquer Mapping of Parallel Programs onto Hypercube Computers
Efficient Data Communication in Incomplete Hypercube
Embedding 3-dimensional Grids into Optimal Hypercubes
Embedding k-D meshes into Optimum Hypercubes with Dilation 2k-1
Embeddings of shuffle-like graphs in hypercubes
Embeddings of tree-Related Networks in Incomplete Hypercubes
Fault-Tolerance on Boolean n-Cube Architectures
Graph Drawing: Revised Selected Papers/20th International Symposium, GD 2012, Redmont,WA,USA, September 2012
Hypercube Embedding Heuristics: An Evaluation
Hypercube Implementation and Performance Analysis for Extrapolation Methods
IEH graphs. A novel generalization of hypercube graphs
Improved Probabilistic Routing on Generalized Hypercubes
KOAN: a Shared Virtual Memory for the iPSC/2 hypercube
Massively Parallel Volume Rendering
Mathematics and Computation in Music: Proc./4th International Conference, MCM 2013, Montreal,QC,Canada, June 2013
Models for Communications in the Hypercube
Near-Optimal Message Routing and Broadcasting in Faulty Hypercubes
On Constructing Multiple Spanning Trees in a Hypercube
On Incomplete Hypercubes
On the Multiply-Twisted Hypercube
On the Multisearching Problem for Hypercubes
Optimal Embeddings in the Hamming Cube Networks
Optimal Multiphase Complete Exchange on Circuit-Switched Hypercube Architectures
Optimal speed-up algorithms for template matching on SIMD hypercube multiprocessors with restricted local memory
Optimal Visibility Algorithms for Binary Images on the Hypercube
Parallel AI Algorithms for Fine-Grained Hypercube Multiprocessors
Parallel Boolean operations for information retrieval
Parallel Fractional Cascading on Hypercube Multiprocessors
Parallel Parsing of Ambiguous Languages on Hypercube Architectures
Parallel Pattern Recognition using Dynamic Programming
Parallel Processing: Teaching Bees To Fly in Formation
Programming a Hypercube Multicomputer
Reconfiguration of Faulty Hypercubes
Routing in Hypercycles. Deadlock Free and Backtracking Strategies
Taking Random Walks to Grow Trees in Hypercubes
Tolerating Faults in Faulty Hypercubes Using Maximal Fault-Free Subcube-Ring
Topological Comparison of Perfect Shuffle and Hypercube
Корректность клеточных вычислений в пространствах типа пирамиды и гиперкуба
Сбалансированный гиперкуб и устойчивые к отказам вложения колец
Формирование гиперкубического представления реляционной базы данных