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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Cognitive Approach to the Reconstruction of ER Schema from Database Applications
A Comparison of Shared Virtual Memory and Message Passing Programming Techniques Based on a Finite Element Application
Advance Reservation of Network Resources for Multimedia Applications
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning:Proc./7th European Conference, ECCBR 2004. Madrid, Spain, August/September 2004
Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2007: Part III: Proc./4th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2007. Nanjing, China, July 2007
Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2007: Part I: Proc./4th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2007. Nanjing, China, June 2007
A Framework for Synchronous Tele-Cooperation
Algorithms in Bioinformatics: Proc./4th International Workshop, WABI 2004. Bergen, Norway, September 2004
A Modulation Package Tuning Machine Applying Fuzzy Logic
A Multidatabase Solution for a Financial Application
A Multimedia Application Adaptation Layer (MAAL) Protocol
Analysing Particle Jets With Artificial Neural Networks
Animation Aerodynamics
An Intelligent Database System Application: The Design of EMS
An Interactive Cable Television Network for Multimedia Applications
An Object-Oriented Database of Protein Structure Data
AO System- APL in Construction Planning
A Physician s Workstation as an Application of Object-Oriented Database Technology in Healthcare
APL for Investigations of Turbulence Structure of Dust Storms in the Aral Region
APL Quote Quad. APL 91: The Intern. Conf. on APL, 4-8 August, 1991, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA
Applicability of the BLAST Model Checker: An Industrial Case Study
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1992:Proc./13th International Conference Sheffield, UK, June 1992
Application of Knowledge-based Systems to Optimised Building Maintenance Management
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Proc./EvoWorkshops 2004 - EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET, EvoHOT, EvolASP, EvoMUSART, and EvoSTOC, Coimbra, Portugal, April 2004
Application-Specific Deadlock Free Wormhole Routing on Multicomputers
Applied Formal Methods - FM-Trends 98: Proc./Intern. Workshop on Current Trends in Applied Formal Methods. Boppard, Germany, October 1998
Applied Parallel Computing: Computations in Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Science: Proc./Second Intern. Workshop, PARA 95. Lyngby, Denmark, August 1995
Applying Ada9X to Two Real Time Applications: A Case Study
Applying Next Generation Object-Oriented DBMS to Finite Element Analysis
Applying VR to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
April - Agent PRocess Interaction Language
Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 96: Proc./1996 Intern. Conf. Bochum, Germany, July 1996
A Rule-Based System for Dense-Map Name Placement
Automatic Generation of Ada Source Code for the Rafale Mission Computer
Automatization in the Design of Image Understanding Systems
Autonomous Objects: A Natural Model for Complex Applications
A Zoomable DBMS for Brain Structure, Function and Behavior
Basic Principles for Software Specification: Introduction to Subject Area Reference Case Study Production Automation
Bounds on the Time to Reach Agreement in the Presence of Timing Uncertainty
Building Common Lisp Applications with Reasonable Performance
Building Workflow Applications on Top of WooRKS
Cellular and PCS Digital-Mobile-Services Switching Center
Certification of Ada Real Time Executives for Safety Critical Applications
Combining Computation with Database Access in Biomolecular Computing
Commercial Database Applications on Parallel Systems
Communications and Information Technology for Persons with Disabilities - The Canadian National Strategy as an Example
Comparison between a Message Passing and a Global Shared Memory Parallel Computer by Means of a Concrete Monte-Carlo Algorithm
Compiling Joy Into Silicon: An Exercise in Applied Structural Operational Semantics
Component Deployment: Proc./Third International Working Conference, CD 2005. Grenoble, France, November 2005
Computer Vision Applications
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