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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Calculus for Higher Order Procedures with Global Variables
A Complete Set of Axioms for a Theoty of Communicating Sequential Processes
A Realization of the Negative Interpretation of the Axiom of Choice
Axioms and Hulls
Axioms for Generalized Graphs, Illustrated by a Cantor-Bernstein Proposition
Axioms in Definitional Calculi
Complement Problems and Tree Automata in AC-like Theories
Complete Axiomatizations of some Quotient Term Algebras
Conceptual Graphs and First-Order Logic
Differentiating Assumptions from Extra-Logical Axioms in Natural Deduction
Equational Axioms of Test Algebra
Logical Aspects of Set Constraints
Proof Procedure and Axiom Sets in Petri Net Models of Horn Clause Propositional Logic. Minimum Modification for Provability
Rapid construction of algebraic axioms from samples
Retrprov. A System that Looks for Axioms
Self-Verifying Axiom Systems
Termination and completion modulo associativity, communicativity and identity
Universal Axioms for Bisimulations
What Can Machines Know? On the Properties of Knowledge in Distributes Systems
Аксиома выбора и аксиома детерминированности
Основы теоретической логики