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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Adding Real Time to Formal Program Development
Adding Specification Constructors to the Refinement Calculus
A Generic Process to Refine a B Specification into a Relational Database Implementation
Algorithm Refinement with Read and Write Frames
An Approach to Integrating Query Refinement in SQL
An Extended VDM Refinement Relation
An Investigation of Back-Forth and Place Bisimulation Equivalences
An Investigation of -Equivalences
Aspects for Synthesizing Applications by Refinement
A Technique for Modular Logic Program Refinement
Automating the Refinement of Specifications for Distributed Systems via Syntactic Transformations
Checking Z Data Refinements Using an Animation Tool
Combining and Distributing Hierarchical Systems
Combining Communicating Sequential Processes and Temporal Logic
Communication Abstraction and Refinement
Compositional Specification and Verification of Distributed Systems
Composition and Refinement in the B-Method
Concept Use or Concept Refinement: An Important Distinction in Building Generic Specifications
Constituent Elements of a Correctness-Preserving UML Design Approach
Controlling Control Systems: An Application of Evolving Retrenchment
Coordinate Transformation and Data Refinement
Correctness of Generic Modules
Derivation of Data Intensive Algorithms by Formal Transformation: The Schnorr-Waite Graph Marking Algorithm
Derivation of Efficient Parallel Programs: An Example from Genetic Sequence Analysis
Design Wizards and Visual Programming Environments for GenVoca Generators
Developing Formal Object-Oriented Requirements Specifications: A Model, Tool and Technique
"Don t Know" in the Mu-Calculus
Equivalence Notions for Design of Concurrent Systems Using Petri Nets
Exploiting Independence for Verification, Refinement, and Modularity
Exploratory Languages Design
Filter Promotion Transformation Strategies for Deriving Efficient Programs from Z Specifications
HOL-OCL: Experiences, Consequences and Design Choices
Ideal Refinement of Datalog Programs
Informal Strategies in Design by Refinement
(Inter-)Action Refinement: The Easy Way Compositional Refinement of Interactive Systems
Interface Refinement in Reactive Systems
Introducing Backward Refinement into B
Looking at Code With Your Safety Goggles On
Loose Specification and Refinement in Z
Mechanized Support for Stepwise Refinement
Metamodeling Mathematics: A Precise and Visual Framework for Describing Semantics Domains of UML Models
Minimally and Maximally Abstract Retrenchments
Modelling Processes Using a Stepwise Refinement Technique
Modular Refinement and Model Building
Modular Verification for a Class of PLTL Properties
mu-Chart-Based Specification and Refinement
On Analysing Query Ambiguity for Query Refinement: The Librarian Agent Approach
On Excusable and Inexcusable Failures
On the Translation of Procedures to Finite Machines
Operation Refinement and Monotonicity in the Schema Calculus
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