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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Filter-Mechanism for Method-Driven Trace Capture
A New High-Dimensional Index Structure Using a Cell-Based Filtering Technique
Architecturing Personalized Delivery of Multimedia Information
Beyond Document Similarity: Understanding Value-Based Search and Browsing Technologies
Clipper: совершенствуем фильтрацию
Document Filtering for Fast Ranking
E-mail рассылка - не всегда спам!
Generating domain representations using a relationship model
Guaranteeing Idempotence for Tightly-Coupled, Fault-Tolerant Networks
Human Interactive Proofs: Proc./Second International Workshop, HIP 2005. Bethlehem, PA, USA, May 2005
Information Filtering and Information Retrieval: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Information Filtering Based on User Behavior Analysis and Best Match Text Retrieval
Modeling with Filter Objects in Distributed Systems
Performance Analysis of Superimposing-Coded Signature Files
Personalized Information Delivery: An Analysis of Information Filtering Methods
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: Proc./9th International Symposium, RAID 2006. Hamburg, Germany, September 2006
Scale Space and PDE Methods in Computer Vision: Proc./5th International Conference, Scale-Space 2005. Hofgeismar, Germany, April 2005
Sliding window filtering: an efficient method for incremental mining on a time-variant database
Spatial Query Optimization Utilizing Early Separated Filter and Refinement Strategy
Systematic Design of Shape Preserving Structuring Elements in Morphological Operations
Television Information Filtering through Speech Recognition
The effect of database filters on the performance of buffered relational database systems
Using Collaborative Filtering to Weave an Information Tapestry
В поисках за иты для усталых глаз
Доспехи для выхода в Сеть
Применение модулярного кодирования информации для синтеза высокоскоростных цифровых фильтров