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Связанные издания:
Passive and Active Measurement: Proc./11th International Conference, PAM 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2010
Performance Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Cache Protocol Extensions for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Performance Improvement of the Contract Net Protocol Using Instance Based Learning
Performnce Comparison of Routing Protocols under Dynamic and Static File Transfer Connections
Petri Net Modelling of Estelle-specified Communication Protocols
Policy Enforcement in Stub Autonomous Domains
Practical Considerations for Network Addressing Using CIDR
Pre-Allocation Media Acces Control Protocols for Multiple Access WDM Photonic Networks
Predictable Component Architectures Using Dependent Finite State Machines
Principles of Practice in Multi-Agent Systems: Proc./12th International Conference, PRIMA 2009, Nagoya, Japan, December 2009
Probabilistic Polynomial-Time Semantics for a Protocol Security Logic
Process Algebra with Combinators
Programming an Agreement Protocol with the help of PrT-Nets
Programming an Agreement Protocol with the Help of PrT-Nets
Programming Languages and Systems: Proc./14th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2005, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2005. Edinburgh, UK, April 2005
Programming Satan s Computer
Promela Planning
Proof-Checking a Data Link Protocol
Proof Scores in the OTS/CafeOBJ Method
Protocol Analysis of a Novice Programmer
Protocol Architectures for Satellite ATM Broadband Networks
Protocol Boosters: Applying Programmability to Network Infrastructures
Protocols and Systems for Interactive Distributed Multimedia: Proc./Joint Intern. Workshops on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Protocols for Multimedia Systems, IDMS/PROMS 2002, Coimbra, Portugal, November 2002
Protocols between Programs and Proofs
Protocol Service Decomposition for High-Performance Networking
Protocols for High Speed Networks: Proc./7th IFIP/IEEE Intern. Workshop, PfHSN 2002, Berlin, Germany, April 2002
Protocols for Multimedia Systems: Proc./6th Intern. Conf., PROMS 2001, Enschede, The Netherlands, October 2001
Protocol Specialization
Protocol Validation: A Parallel Technique to Reduce the Reachability Tree
Protocol Verification Tool with Extended Petri Net and Horn Clause
Providing Support for Data Transfer in a New Networking Environment
Providing the X.500 Directory User with QOS Information
Proving System Properties by Means of Trigger-Graph
Prudent Engineering Practice for Cryptographic Protocols
Quick Atomic Broadcast
Rapid Parameterized Model Checking of Snoopy Cache Coherence Protocols
Reachability and Recurrence in Extended Finite State Machines: Modular Vector Addition Systems
Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection: Proc./7th International Conference, RAID 2004. Sophia Antipolis, France, September 2004
Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface: Proc./13th European PVM/MPI User s Group Meeting. Bonn, Germany, September 2006
Remarks on Ad Hoc Networking
Replication: Theory and Practice
Reservation Protocols for Internetworks: A Comparison of ST-II and RSVP
Re-use Intercations Protocols for Agent-Based Control Applications
Robust and Simple Authentication Protocol
Scalable Update Propagation in Epidemic Replicated Databases
Scaling up Partial Evaluation for Optimizing the Sun Commercial RPC Protocol
Scheduling Real-Time Transactions: A Performance Evaluation
SCTP: новый транспортный протокол для TCP/IP
SDL 2017: Model-Driven Engineering for Future Internet: Proc./18th International SDL Forum, Budapest, Hungary, October 2017
Secret-Key Exchange with Authentication
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