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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Decision Procedure Revisited: Notes on Direct Logic, Linear Logic and Its Implementation
A Generalisation of Pre-logical Predicates to Simply Typed Formal Systems
A Predicate Transformer Approach to Knowledge and Knowledge-based Protocols
A PrT-net Representation of Graph Grammars
A Three-Valued Logic for Refinement
Compilation of Z Specification into C for Automatic Test Result Evaluation
Detecting Locally Stable Predicates Without Modifying Application Messages
Detecting Quantified Global Predicates in Parallel Programs
Detecting Temporal Logic Predicates in Distributed Programs Using Computation Slicing
Detection of Unstable Predicates in Distributed Programs
Dijkstra-Scholten Predicate Calculus: Concepts and Misconceptions
Existential Graphs and Dynamic Predicate Logic
Fairness and the Axioms of Control Predicates
Implicit Definition of Logic Programs
Isomorphisms between Predicate and State Transformers
Logical analysis of texts in a natural language and a sense representation
Logic of Predicates with Explicit Substitutions
Meta-Programming through a Truth Predicate
MIZ-PR: A Theorem Prover for Polymorphic and Recursive Functions
Notions of Polymorphism for Predicate Logic Programs
On the Learnability of a Restricted Predicate Formulae
On the Semantics of Optimization Predicates in CLP Languages
Operational and Denotational Semantics for Prolog with Input-Output Predicates
Optimizing Disjunctive Queries with Expensive Predicates
Practical Predicate Placement
Predicates are Predicate Transformers: a unified compositional theory for concurrency
Predicates, Temporal Logic, and Simulations
Predicate Transformers and Linear Logic: Yet Another Denotational Level
Predicative Programming - A Survey
Preprocessing predicates and queries
Proving Behavioural Theorems with Standard First-Order Logic
Reasoning about Probabilistic Sequential Programs in a Probabilistic Logic
Sequence-Based Global Predicates for Distributed Computations: Definitions and Detection Algorithms
Symmetric Logic of Proofs
Syntactic Reduction of Predicate Tableaux to Propositional Tableaux
Tableau for Intuitionistic Predicate Logic as Metatheory
The Logic of the Godel Proof Predicate
The Mathematics of Set Predicates in Prolog
The single-conclusion proof logic and inference rules specification
The Unification of Three Calculi
Three-valued predicates for software spesification and validation
Аппликативные композиции частичных предикатов
Интерпретатор ПРОЛОГа с точки зрения логической семантики
К теории рудиментарных предикатов Шмульяна
Машинно-ориентированные логические методы отображения семантики текста на естественном языке
Новый язык описания алгоритмов сопоставления с образцами
Об одном способе спецификации реактивных алгоритмов в логическом языке первого порядка
О рудиментарных предикатах Шмульяна
Синтез алгоритма по его логической спецификации