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Связанные издания:
100 крупнейших компьютерных компаний мира и мы
20 лучших мо ных машин
A Conceptual Investigation of the E-commerce Industry
A Framework for E-markets: Monitoring Contract Fulfillment
Apple на фоне рынка
A Web-Based Financial Trading System
A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web
Balance or Destruction: Ecosocial Market Economy as the Key to Global Sustainable Development
Classifying COTS Products
Compaq: слагаемые успеха
Design and Development for a Global Market
Development Processes and Applications at AT and T: An Overview
Digital Equipment Corporation и компьютеризация банковского дела
Electronic Markets for Learning: Education Brokerages on the Internet
Electronic Market: The Roadmap for University Libraries and Members to Survive in the Information Jungle
Embedded Software Market Transformation through Reusable Frameworks
End User Perceptions
Gateway 2000: компьютеры из Южной Дакоты
Global Teamwork: Developing International ISDN Capabilities for the 5ESS Switch
How Open Data Networks Influence Business Performance and Market Structure
IBM открывает новые горизонты
IBS - эта "новая старая" фирма
Informix-NewEra для Microsoft Windows
International Considerations in PBX Design
International Mandatory Product Standards
Internet and Network Economics: Proc./4th International Workshop, WINE 2008. Shanghai, China, December 3008
Internet and Networks Economics: Proc./Third International Workshop, WINE 2007. San Diego, CA, USA, December 2007
Investigating the Evolution of Electronic Markets
ISDN Design for Global Markets
ISVs The European Opportunity
Is Your Project Ready for Time-to-Market Focus?
Market Analysis and Product Design for Telecommunications Equipment and Services
Matchmaking in Electronic Markets: An Agent-Based Approach towards Matchmaking in Electronic Nagotiations
Microsoft Office 97
Soft + tool = SofTool!
Status in statu
Structured Cabling Systems for the Global Premises Distribution Market
Symantec Corporation: год на рынке стран Содружества
The Emerging Role of Electronic Merketplaces on the Internet
The European Unix Market: Trends and Issues
The Internet and the Future of Financial Markets
The Software Component Market on the Internet Current Status and Conditions for Growth
Top100 - портрет рынка
Trends in Distributed Systems: Towards a Universal Service Market: Proc./Third Intern. IFIP/GI Working Conf., USM 2000, Munich, Cermany, September 2000
Understanding Software Component Markets: The Value Creation Perspective
UnixWare 2: новинка на рынке UNIX-систем
Usability Evaluations in System Development
Анализ и прогнозирование финансового рынка на основе модели детерминированного хаоса
Баланс или Разрушение: экосоциальная рыночная экономика как ключ к устойчивому развитию мира
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