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Связанные издания:
Data Encapsulation and Modularity: Three Views of Inheritance
Datalog Queries of Set Constraint Databases
Deciding Life-Cycle Inheritance on Petri Nets
Defining specialization for dataflow diagrams
Efficient Handling of Multiple Inheritance Hierarchies
Environmental Acquisition - A New Inheritance-Like Abstraction Mechanism
Evaluating the Effect of Inheritance on the Modifiability of Object-Oriented Business Domain Models
Expressive Synchronization Types for Inheritance in the Join Calculus
Forcing Behavioral Subtyping through Specification Inheritance
From a Passive to an Active Database Supporting Exceptions
Genericity Versus Inheritance Reconsidered: Self-Reference Using Generics
Genetic Programming: Proc./Second European Workshop, Euro GP 99. Goteborg, Sweden, May 1999
GOTA Algebras: A Specification Formalism for Inheritance and Object Hierarchies
Higher-Order Hierarchies
How Firing Conditions Help Inheritance
How to Avoid the Inheritance Anomaly in Ada
How Well Do Inheritance Mechanisms Support Inheritance Concepts?
If We Refuse the Inheritance ...
Impact of Inheritance on Metrics for Size, Coupling, and Cohesion in Object-Oriented Systems
Incremental Inheritance Model for an OODBMS
Inheritance and expressive power in concurrent Object-Oriented programming
Inheritance and Rules in Object-Oriented Semantic Web Languages
Inheritance as a Conceptual Primitive
Inheritance Graph Hierarchy Construction Using Retlangular Decomposition of a Binary Relation and Designer Feedback
Inheritance Hierarchy Metric
Inheritance in a Deductive Object Database Language with Updates
Inheritance in a Hierarchy of Theories
Inheritance Modeled with Explicit Bindings: An Approach to Typed Inheritance
Inheritance of Dynamic Behavior: Development of a Groupware Editor
Inheritance of Interface Specifications
Inheritance of Object Behavior - Consistent Extension of Object Life Cycles
Inheritance of Synchronization Constraints in Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Languages
Inheritance of Temporal Logic Properties
Inheritance on Processes, Exemplified on Distributed Termination Detection
Inheritance Reasoning by Regular Sets in Knowledge-bases with Dot Notation
Inheritance Semantics of Deductive Object Base Language
Inheriting Synchronization Protocols via Sound Enrichment Rules
Integrating Legacy Systems with Modern Corporate Applications
Interfaces and Specifications for the Smalltalk-80 Collection Classes
iO2: An Algorithmic Method for Building Inheritance Graphs in Object Database Design
L-systems with Inheritance: An Object-oriented Extension of L-systems
Maintaining the Consistency of Class Libraries During Their Evolution
Mechanized Analysis of Behavioral Conformance in the Eiffel Base Libraries
Modeling Inheritance, Composition and Relationship Links Between Objects, Object Versions and Class Versions
Monotonic Conflict Resolution Mechanisms for Inheritance
Nonmonotonic Inheritance, Argumentation and Logic Programming
Object Inheritance Beyond Subtyping
Object-Oriented Analysis for Educational Assurance
Object-Oriented Formal Specification Development using VDM
Object-Oriented Programming and Protected Objects in Ada 95
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