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Связанные издания:
An Animation Facility to Simulate an Information and Communication System
APL as a Tool for Scientific Forecasting
Comparison of OOA and Real-Time SA - From the Experiment of Analyzing an Image Filing System
Definition of a Reflective Kernel for a Prototype-Based Language
Diagnosing Quality of Life in Working Environments
Discovering the Way Programmers Think about New Programming Environments
InterBase: A Multidatabase Prototype System
InvenTcl: A Fast Prototyping Environment for 3D Graphics and Multimedia Applications
MVL-L Languages Report
Object-Oriented Programming Transition Strategies
Performance of Aurora on NUMA Machines
Post-Mortem Assessment of Interface Changes for an Evolving, Object-Oriented, "Not-So-Rapid" Prototype
Retail User Assistant: Evaluation of a User-Adapted Performance Support System
The Application of Metrics to Industrial Prototyping Processes: An Empirical Study
The Lecturer s Assistant
Using ABC to Prototype VDM Specifications
Using Standard Tools to Build an Open, Client/Server Ptototype
WAPS: Web Application Prototyping System
WSDM: Weighted Sparse Distributed Memory Prototype Expressed in APL
Принципы построения документного интерфейса
Язык описания макетных отчетов/экранов системы информационного поиска АСПИД/ГТ