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Связанные издания:
Abstract Interpretation of Proofs: Classical Propositional Calculus
A Hierarchical Completeness Proof for Propositional Temporal Logic
Algorithmic aspects of propositional tense logics
An Algorithm for Constructing Extensions of Propositional Autoepistemic Logic
An Efficient and Unified Approach to the Decidability of Equivalence of Propositional Programs
A Possibility-Based Propositional Logic of Conditionals
A Proof System Based on Finite Set Theory
A Set-theoretic Translation Method for (Poly)modal Logics
A Tableau System for Linear-TIME Temporal Logic
A Trace Consistent Subset of PTL
A Transformation of Propositional Prolog Programs into Classical Logic
Automated Deduction - CADE-20: Proc./20th International Conference on Automated Deduction. Tallinn, Estonia, July 2005
A v-Calculus with Local Viewes for Systems of Sequential Agents
Behavioural Equivalence Relations Induced by Programming Logics
Bounded Model Checking for Weak Alternating Buechi Automata
Classical Lambek Logic
Classical Methods in Nonmonotonic Reasoning
Classical Proofs via Basic Logic
Computing the Well-Founded Semantics Faster
Craig Interpolation Property in Modal Logics with Provability Interpretation
Designing tableau-like axiomization for Propositional Linear Temporal Logic at home of Arthur Prior
Efficient Interpretation of Propositional Multiple-valued Logic Programs
Equational Axioms of Test Algebra
Equivalence of the Concave Optimisation Method and d"Agostino s Tableaux for Propositional Logic
Logical Reasoning and Petri Nets
Loop Checking and the Well-Founded Semantics
Model Checking: Knowledge, Actions and Fixpoints
Model-checking mu-Calculus in Well-Structured Transition Systems
On Compact Representations of Propositional Circumscription
On Non-Alethic Logic
On the Computational Complexity of Propositional Logic Programs with Nested Implications
On the Logic of Hypergraphs
Optimal Proof Systems for Propositional Logic and Complete Sets
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams and the Davis-Putnam Procedure
Propositional Linear Temporal Logic and Language Homomorphisms
Propositional Logics on the Computer
Propositional PSPACE Reasoning with Boolean Programs Versus Quantified Boolean Formulas
Propositional Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs
Propositional Temporal Logics and Equivalences
Reductions of Petri Nets and Unfolding of Propositional Logic Programs
Refutation Systems for Propositional Modal Logics
Rewrite Rule Systems for Modal Propositional Logic
Some Results on Propositional Dynamic Logic with Fixed Points
Structural Sharing and Efficient Proof-Search in Propositional Intuitionistic Logic
Syntactic Reduction of Predicate Tableaux to Propositional Tableaux
Temporal Logic with Reference Pointers
The Complexity of Propositional Linear Temporal Logics in Simple Cases
The Computational value of Joint Consistency
The Logfic of Information Structures
Transactions on Rough Sets VI
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