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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Causal Model for Software Cost Estimating Error
A Controlled Experiment to Assess the Benefits of Estimating with Analogy and Regression Models
A Cost Model for Software Product Lines
A Decision Model for Choosing the Optimal Level of Storage in Temporal Databases
A Flexible Cost Model for Abstract Object-Oriented Database Schemas
A Methodology for Software Cost Estimation
An innovative model for object-oriented costs estimating
A Systematic Approach to Modeling the Costs of Flat Files
Bayesian Analysis of Empirical Software Engineering Cost Models
Calculating the Cost of Year-2000 Compliance
Calibration of a DBMS Cost Model with the Software Testpilot
CEOS - A Cost Estimation Method for Evolutionary, Object-Oriented Software Development
Champagne Training on a Beer Budget
Comparing Ada and FORTRAN Lines of Code: Some Experimental Results
Control Software Costs
Cost Analysis Using Automatic Size and Time Inference
Cost-Benefit Analysis Software-Reuse - A Decision Procedure
Cost Estimation of User-Defined Methods in Object-Relational Database Systems
Developing Evolutionary Cost Models for Query Optimization in a Dynamic Multidatabase Environment
Efficient Parallel Permutation-Based Range-Join Algorithms on Mesh-Connected Computers
Effort Estimation Using Analogy
Estimating Costs of Path Expression Evaluation in Distributed Object Databases
Estimating the Computational Cost of Logic Programs
Estimating the Cost of Carrying out Tasks Relating to Performance Engineering
Improving Reusability and Reducing Development Costs with Adaptive Software
Lower Bound Cost Estimation for Logic Programs
Making Variability Decisions during Architecture Design
Nine Management Guidelines for Better Cost Estimating
Operating Systems and Cost Management
Optimizing Computing Costs Using Divisible Load Analysis
Performability Has its Price: Proc./5th International Workshop on Internet Charging and QoS Technologies, ICQT 2006. St.Malo, France, June 2006
Reducing the Cost of Data Flow Analysis by Congruence Partitioning
Repository Based Software Cost Estimation
Requirements Analysis Socio-Technical System Design
The Costs of Changing to a Fourth Generation Computer Language
The Economics of End-User Development
UML Developments: Cost Estimation from Requirements
Using Coverage Information to Predict the Cost-Effectiveness of Regression Testing Strategies
Using Model Checking for Reducing the Cost of Test Generation
Validated Cost Models for Parallel OQL Query Processing
Модели оценки стоимости опционов на программные системы и формирования оптимальных портфелей заказов
Некоторые вопросы оптимизации алгоритмов функционирования сложных систем по время-стоимостным характеристикам
О программометрическом подходе к оценкам программного обеспечения