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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
A Connection Based Proof Method for Intuitionistic Logic
Adding Negation-as-Failure to Intuitionistic Logic Programming
An Intuitijnistic Modal Logic with Applications to the Formal Verification of Hardware
An Intuitionistic Modal Logic with Applications to the Formal Verification of Hardware
Applications of Fuzzy Sets Theory: Proc./7th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, WILF 2007. Camogli, Italy, July 2007
Automated Deduction - CADE-21: Proc./21st International Conference on Automated Deduction. Bremen, Germany, July 2007
Classical Proofs as Programs
Differentiating Assumptions from Extra-Logical Axioms in Natural Deduction
Encoding Dependent Types in an Intuitionistic Logic
Explicit Provability and Constructive Semantics
Formulas-as-types for a Hierarchy of Sublogics of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic
Fuzzy Logic and Applications: Proc./8th International Workshop, WILF 2009. Palermo, Italy, June 2009
Godel s Dialectica Interpretation and Its Two-Way Stretch
Intuitionistic Logic with Classical Atoms
Kolmogorov and Godel s approach to intuitionistic logic: current developments
Linear -Calculus and Categorical Models Revisited
Model-checking mu-Calculus in Well-Structured Transition Systems
On the Logic of Hypergraphs
On Transforming Intuitionistic Matrix Proofs into Standard-Sequent Proofs
ProPre A Programming Language with Proofs
Tableau for Intuitionistic Predicate Logic as Metatheory
Transactions on Rough Sets VI
Неразрешимые свойства суперинтуиционистских логик
Подход Колмогорова и Геделя к интуиционистской логике и работы последнего десятилетия в этом направлении