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Связанные издания:
A compositional semantics for the Turing machine
Alan Turing Centenary: Proc./The Turing Conference, Turing 100, Manchester, UK, June 2012
Algorithmic Probability and Friends. Bayesian Prediction and Artificial Intelligence: Papers from the Ray Solomonoff 85th Memorial Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, November 2011
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2013: Proc./23rd International Conference on ANN, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 2013
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2014: Proc./24th International Conference on ANN, Hamburg, Germany, September 2014
A Time Lower Bound for Satisfiability
A Universal Turing Machine
Comparisons of Universal Abstract Machines
Computation, Physics and Beyond: Revised Selected and Invited Papers/ International Workshop, WTCS 2012 Dedicated to C.S.Calude on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, Auckland, New Zealand, February 2011
Computer Science - Theory and Applications: Proc./5th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2010, Kazan, Russia, June 2010
Computer Science - Theory and Applications: Proc./7th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, CSR 2012, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, July 2012
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: Proc./15th International Workshop, DCFS 2013, London,ON,Canada, July 2013
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: Proc./16th International Workshop, DCFS 2014, Turku, Finland, August 2014
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: Proc./19th IFIP WG 1.02 International Conference. DCFS 2017, Milano. Italy, july 2017
Developments in Language Theory: Proc./22nd International Conference, DLT 2018, Tokyo, Japan, September 2018
Ecological Turing Machines
Fast Sequential and Parallel Simulations of Nondeterministic Computations
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: Proc./18th International Symposium, FCT 2011, Oslo, Norway, August 2011
Grammatical Inference: Theoretical Results and Applications: Proc./10th International Colloquium, ICGI 2010, Valencia, Spain, September 2010
Interactive Theorem Proving: Proc./5th Internatinal Conference, ITP 2014 Held as Part of the Vienna Summer of Logic, VSL 2014, Vienna, Austria, July 2014
Machines, Computations, and Universality: Proc./5th International Conference, MCU 2007. Orleans, France, September 2007
Machines, Computations, and Universality: Proc./8th International Conference, MCU 2018, Fontainebleau, France, June 2018
Matching Upper and Lower Bounds for Simulations of Several Tapes on One Multidimensional Tape
Membrane Computing: Revised Selected Papers/21st International Conference, CMC 2020, Virtual Event, september 2020
Motion Planning in the Presence of Moving Obstacles
Non Erasing Turing Machines: A Frontier between a Decidable Halting Problem and Universality
Non-Erasing Turing Machines: A New Frontier Between a Decidable Halting Problem and Universality
On Languages Accepted with Simultaneous Complexity Bounds and Their Ranking Problem
Reversible Computation: Proc./13th International Conference, RC 2021, Virtual Event, July 2021
Sailing Routes in the World of Computation: Proc./14th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2018, Kiel, Germany, July 2018
Some Results Concerning Two-Dimensional Turing Machines and Finite Automata
Tanslational lemmas for DLOGTIME-uniform circuits, alternating TMs, and PRAMs
The Church-Turing Thesis over Arbitrary Domains
The Discrete Math Workbook: A Companion Manual for Practical Study
The Hedge: An Efficient Storage Device for Turimg Machines with One Head
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: Proc./9th Annual Conference, TAMC 2012, Beijing, China, May 2012
Turing Machines with Sublogarithmic Space
Unveiling Dynamics and Complexity: Proc./13th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2017, Turku, Finland, June 2017
Weak Parallel Machines: a New Class of Physically Feasible Parallel Machine Models
Алгоритмы и машинное решение задач
Алгоритмы и рекурсивные функции
Вычисления на машинах Тьюринга с метками
Исследование параллелизма на основе многоголовочных машин Тьюринга
Машины Тьюринга и рекурсивные функции
Моделирование дискретных преобразователей информации
Моделирование многоленточных машин Минского и Тьюринга трёхленточными машинами Минского
Об уточнении класса задач, решаемых недетерминированной машиной Тьюринга
От машины Тьюринга к машине Мили
От тьюрингова программирования к автоматному
О функциональной эквивалентности и эквивалентных преобразованиях машин Тьюринга
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