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Связанные издания:
A Framework for Intelligent Knowledge Sequencing and Task Sequencing
An intelligent tutoring system for classification problem solving
Answering Student Queries: Functionality and Mechanisms
A Pedagogical Desigh and Architecture for Intelligent Tutoring and Aiding in Supervisory of Complex Systems
Automated Generation of Examples for a Tutorial in Case-Based Argumentation
CHEMPROF:"The Chemical Literacy Problem"
COCA: A Shell for Intelligent Tutorial Systems
COGNITIO: An Extended Computational Theory of Cognition
Computerized Adaptive Testing in Computer Science: Assessing Student Programming Abilities
Curriculum Tree: A Knowledge-based Architecture for Intelligent Tutoring System
Detecting and Reacting to the Learner s Motivational State
Distributed Learning Companion System: WEST Revisited
Enhancing the Instructional Capabilities of Intelligent Tuttoring Systems
Evaluation of Feature Based Modelling in Subtraction
EXPITS: an Expirimental Environment on ITS
From Elementary Knowledge Schemes Towards Heuristic Expertise - Designing an ITS in the Field of Parallel Programmimg
Generality Watching: ITS Caught between Science and Engineering
Granularity and Context in Learning
Guidon-Manage Revisited: A Socio-Technical Systems Approach
Instructcion as Reasoning About Multiple Objectives
Intelligent Tutoring and High School Mathematics
Intelligent Tutoring System for Simbolic Calculation
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Proc./Second Inetrn.Conf., ITS 92. Montreal, Canada, June 1992
Knowledge Processing in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Planification Pedagogique: de l Expertise Humaine a sa Modelisation dans un STI
Probabilistic Student Models: Bayesian Belief Networks and Knowledge Space Theory
Programming Environments for Novices
Providing Problem Explanation for ITS
Reference Network: A Genetic Model for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Student Model Diagnosis for Adaptive Instruction in ITS
Student Strategies for Learning Programming from a Computational Environment
Subtraction Problem Generating: Two Approaches
The Fawlty Article Tutor
The Grace Tutor:A Qualified Success
The Use of Pedagogic Misrepresentation in Tutorial Dialogue
To Contradict is Human. Student Modeling of Inconsistency
Tools for Teacher Participation in ITS Design
Towards an Epistemology for Guided Discovery Tutoring: The Popperian Connection
Une Architecture multiagent
User Modeling and Architecture in Industrial ITSs
Using Expert Tutor Knowledge to Design a Self-Improving Intelligent Tutoring System
Why should an ITS Bother with Students Explanations?