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Мемориальная библиотека А.П. Ершова
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Связанные издания:
Extensional Set Library for ECLiPDe
Extensional Set Library for ECLiPSe
F@BOOL@: Towards a Simple Verifying Compiler Based on SAT-Solvers
FISSURE: FInder of Solutions with SUbdefinite Resources
Fixed Points on Abstract Structures without the Equality Test
Formal Definition of Oberon
Formal Methods in Program Analysis and Transformations
Formal Semantics and Verification of Distributed Systems Presented by Basic-REAL Specifications
Formal Semantics of Real-Time System Specification Language Basic-Real
Formal Semantics of the ODMG 3.0 Object Query Language
Format verification of programs for abstract register machines
From a Database Programming Language to a Database Specification Language
From Event-Oriented Models to Transition Systems
From Published Expression and Phenotype Data to Structured Knowledge: The Arabidopsis Gene Net Supplementary Database and Its Applications
Generalised Computability and Applications to Hybrid Systems
Generalised mixed computation examplified on programs with stacks
Generalised Mixed Computation Exemplified on Programs with Stacks
Generalized decomposability notions for first-order theories
Generic Facilities in Object-Oriented ASMs
Graph algorithm interactive visualization
GraphCut: задача минимального разреза графа в проблеме генерации текстур
Guided tour inside F@BOOL@: a case-study for a SAT-based verifying compiler
Hierarchial Cause-Effect Structures
Hierarchical Cause-Effect Structures
Hierarchical Graph Models and Visual Processing
Highlights of the Rice-Shapiro Therem in Computable Topology
Hight Level of Programming Language and Indeterminacy: SETL
HM Data Model and its Formal Definition
How do ad-hoc compiler constructs appear in universal mixed computation processes?
HyperCode - открытая система визуализации программ
Hypertext as a Tool for Software Development
Implementing Model Checking and Equivalence Checking for Time Petri Nets by the RT-MEC Tool
Implicit State Approach for Formalization of Sequential Java-like Programs
Improved Upper Bounds for Propositional Dynamic Logic Variants
Index Sets as a Measure of Continuous Constraint Complexity
Institute of Informatics Systems
Institute of Informatics Systems. Annual Research Report. 1993
Integrated approach to analysis and verification of imperative programs
Integrated Enterprise-Level Security Solution "Vostok"
Intelligence Artificielle
Intelligent Software Technology for the New Decade
Intelligent Software Technology for the New Decade
Interaction with a limited object domain - ZAPSIB Project
INTERBASE- система конструирования ЕЯ-интерфейса к dBASE III PLUS
Interval Domain Library for ECLiPSe and Its Application
Interval Mathematical Library Based on Chebyshev and Taylor Series Expansion
Introduction on the Atoment language
Invariant Elimination of Definite Iterations over Arrays in C Programs Verification
Investigating equivalence relations in dtsPBC
Investigating Nondeterministic Processes
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